
A student activity fee of:

  • 120 euros for an individual student in the school
  • 200 euros for 2 students in the school
  • 250 euros for 3 or more students in the school

This fee contributes towards:

  • Reducing costs of the school’s extra-curricular activities programme
  • The cost of house examinations for the forthcoming school year (excluding pre-state /mock examinations in 3rd / 6th year)
  • Photocopying including copyright licence, school text-messaging services etc.
  • Affiliation and entry fees for clubs and societies Individual pupil insurance

Transition Year

Due to the nature of the Transition Year Programme further costs will be incurred thgoughout 2020/2021 academic year, dependent on progress (or otherwise) around Covid-19 restrictions.  Further communication will be issued to the relevant students in due course.

State Examinations Students (3rd / 6th year)

A charge for examination papers / corrections will issue during the first term of 2020/2021, dependent on progress (or otherwise) around Covid-19 restrictions.

Please note:

If you have any difficulty in paying any fees outlined, please contact the Principal, in confidence, so that a suitable arrangement can be put in place for you.

Instructions for Online Re-Registration

  1. Online re-registration is accessed through the school web site under the payments tab or by clicking here.
  2. Please download and read ‘Easi Payments Plus Instructions’ (if you have not accessed the payment portal before or are having difficulty).
  3. Click on ‘Students Currently In The School’ button (blue box).
  4. From ‘Item List‘ select one of the following links and proceed as directed with payment:
    • Re-Registration 2020/2021 – 1 Student in School
    • Re-Registration 2020/2021 – 2 Students in School
    • Re-Registration 2020/2021 – 3 or more Students in School