Covid-19 School update

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

We hope that you are all staying safe. We understand that this is a difficult time for all, but where possible, our teachers are in contact with students via Edmodo, Google Classroom and Email. We would like to thank all our staff for their efforts in setting up online instruction for our students, particularly at such short notice. We would encourage parents to work with your son/daughter to monitor their school email frequently and to follow the work set by teachers online. We should also be mindful that most of us are only learning and developing our understanding of how to use the online facility.

Teachers are conscious of trying to get the correct balance with the amount of work being set for students. Work will be assigned by individual teachers which can be completed over a given timeframe. Please help your child to plan their work and study as appropriate. We encourage our students to make the most of the supports that teachers are providing while ensuring we all continue to maintain a positive work/life balance. We appeal to our students to behave responsibly when using our online learning facilities.

If your son/daughter cannot access their school email address please let us know at [email protected]  giving the student’s name and year group. As we are experiencing a huge amount of emails / texts we would request that you bear with us while we endeavour to respond during the working day.

Please continue to stay safe and follow all guidelines from the HSE. We all have a part to play. Ní neart go cur le chéile, together we achieve.

Kind regards

Paul Burke
