Summer Reading for 1st-3rd Year Students
Lots of time this summer to catch up with some reading! Please see below a suggested reading list for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year students.
The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Sue Townsend
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Greg Heffley
Private Peaceful Michael Mopurgo
Shadow Michael Morpurgo
The Knife of Never Letting Go Patrick Ness
Sabriel Garth Nix
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas John Boyne
The Northern Lights Philip Pullman
Skulduggery Pleasant Derek Landy
Harry Potter Series J.K. Rowling
Alex Rider-Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz
What Katy Did Susan Coolidge
The Great Automatic Grammatiliser and Other Stories Roald Dahl
The BFG Roald Dahl
Danny the Champion of the World Roald Dahl
A Series of Unfortunate Events Lemony Snicket
The ‘Cherub’ series Robert Muchamore
The Changeover Margaret Mahy
Noughts and Crosses Malorie Blackman
Under the Hawthorne Tree Marita Conlon McKenna
Twilight Stephanie Meyer
Reaching the Heights Peter Gunning
Ways to Live Forever Sally Nicholas
Holes Louis Sachar
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred Taylor
The ‘Eragon’ series Christopher Paolini
City of Bones Cassandra Clare
The Demon’s Covenant Sarah Rees Brennan
The Poison Throne Celine Kiernan
The ‘Moorehawke’ Trilogy Celine Kiernan
I am Number Four Pittacus Lore
Across the Nightingale Floor Lian Hearn
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl Joyce Carol Oates
The Cinnamon Tree Aubrey Flegg
Inkheart Cornelia Funke
The Alchemyst Michael Scott
A Gathering Light Jennifer Donnelly
The Goose Girl Shannon Hale
The Looking Glass Wars Frank Beddor
Playing Against the Odds Bernard Ashley
Wilderness Roddy Doyle
The Hunger Games Susan Collins
To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee
Click Various Authors
Lion Boy Zizou Corder
The Meanwhile Adventures Roddy Doyle
Wonder R.J. Palacio