LC & JC Orals & Practicals
Please see below details of Junior and Leaving Certificate oral and practical exams, which run from Monday March 27th to Friday April 7th. Further information such as exact times, dates and locations will be provided to students by their teachers.
Irish Orals
Monday 27th to Friday 31st March
French Orals
Monday 3rd to Friday 7th April
German Orals
Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th April
Music Practicals
Monday 27th March – Junior Cert
Friday 7th April – Leaving Cert
Home Economics Cookery Practicals (Junior Cert)
Tuesday March 28th – Ms. Fitzgerald (Students must bring ingredients on list supplied)
Thursday March 30th – Ms. McSweeney (Students must bring ingredients on list supplied)
Friday March 31st – Ms. Bailey (Students must bring ingredients on list supplied)