Lets make it count – Numeracy Week 2016

CCS recently held its inaugural Numeracy week; aptly named ‘Lets make it count’
A variety of events organised by the Numeracy Committee ensured that the whole student body was involved in a range of suitable activities. Fantastic Art displays were to be seen throughout the building, which were kindly done by Ms. A. Stackpoole’s Art classes.

Here’s a sample of the Activities which took place during Numeracy week:

  • A treasure hunt for First years and the visiting French exchange students.
    it covered many of the key aspects of Numeracy such as
    spatial awareness, patterns and sequences, making sense of data and
    thinking and communicating quantitatively.
  • A competition based on shapes was organized for the junior school.  It
    involved students finding 13 different shapes hidden around the school.
  • All year groups were involved in the Daily puzzle quiz.
  • Some 3rd Year Maths students were involved in a Maths magic event, which they kindly
    performed for their 2nd year fellow students.
  • Fourth Year students were involved in Boolean Logic. A game of logic led by Ms. S. O’Malley, Ms. F. McMenamin and Ms. E.Buckley who made it very enjoyable for all involved.
  • For 5th Year students, ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ and a variety of numeracy games were organized in specific class groups.
  • 6th year students got the chance to test their arithmetic ability through Countdown.  It really showed the competitive streak in students and teachers alike!
  • To complete the week the 5th year students we lucky enough to have a
    guest speaker, Siobhán O’ Connor, a lecturer in the BSc (Hons) Athletic and Rehabilitation Therapy in Athlone IT which is accredited by Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland (ARTI). Basically this profession prevents, assesses, treats and rehabilitates sporting injuries. She spoke to them about Statistics and Performance analysis on sports and the importance of maths in biomechanics which is a really prominent part of improving performance in athletes at the moment. It was a very insightful and fascinating talk and really gave students an idea of the importance of Numeracy in the real life of an Athlete or Sports Person.