Archives for November, 2015

Read all about it, CCS Literacy week 2015

Our inaugural CCS Literacy Week entitled “Read All About It” was a huge success and lots of fun!!! Highlights included a visit from the founders of “Pundit Arena” (Sports Journalism Website), Handwriting classes, Library Visits and a very special Dress Up Day where staff and students dressed as their favourite literary characters. Classroom doors were […]


Glohealth Munster Schools Combined Events in Nenagh

The students from CCS participating in the Glohealth Munster Schools Combined Events Championships in Nenagh Indoor Stadium on Wednesday 14th October. Congratulations and well done to all who participated. [Show as slideshow]


Junior Camogie Team

This years Junior Camogie team that will play in the Munster Schools competition over the coming weeks. [Show as slideshow]


Senior Camogie win in Munster

Well done to the Senior Girls Camogie team who had a great win against Presentation, Waterford, with a scoreline of CCS 3.15. Pres. Waterford 1.4 CCS now go on to play Cashel Community School in the next round. [Show as slideshow]    


‘Math-a-magic show’ visit to Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork

As part of this years Maths week on Wednesday October 14th some 1st, 2nd and third year students from CCS attended a Maths week event  entitled ‘Math-a-magic show’ with Fernando Blasco, a visiting Maths Professor from Madrid, Spain. The students had great fun learning some magic tricks with calendars, cards, ropes and bar codes based […]


4th Year fundraiser for the Mercy Hospital Foundation

On Friday 16th Oct our 4th years were busy raising funds for the Mercy Hospital Foundation. One group helped with a street collection while another group organised a Jeans for Genes Day in the school. Red FM called in to give the efforts a boost and the Jeans Day raised just over €1,585 for bowel cancer […]


5th Year Day of Reflection

On Thurs 17th September all 5th year students attended a Day of Reflection in 3 different retreat centres around Cork: Nano Nagle Centre in Mallow,  Scala in Blackrock & Ennismore, St. Lukes Cross. During this day students participated in various activities including group work,  discussions,  meditation & Tai chi. The purpose of the day was […]


GLOHEALTH South Munster Schools Track and Field Championships in C.I.T. May 2015

Some photos our students who participated in the GLOHEALTH South Munster Schools Track and Field Championships in C.I.T. in May, congratulations and well done to all those who participated. [Show as slideshow]


Transition Year trip to Ballyhass Lakes

Some photos of our Transition years recent bonding trip to Ballyhass Lakes, Cork. [Show as slideshow]


Seachtain na Gaeilge 2015

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge faoi lán seoil i bPobalscoil Charraig Uí Leighin arís i mbliana. Bhain na daltaí go léir an-taitneamh as na himeachtaí difriúla – tráth na gceist, céilithe, ceol sa chaifitéire, comórtais difriúla agus go leor eile go háirithe an ceardlann iontach ó ‘Caith Amach É’. Bainigí sult as na grianghraif! Daltaí na […]



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Co. Cork.

Adult Education

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