Archives for October, 2012

CCS Strings

CCS Strings CCS strings is a music group in the school for students of all year groups, open to anyone who plays violin, viola or cello. The group was started in the school in 2011. We started as a string quartet but the group evolved into a string ensemble of about 10 people ranging from […]


Open Day 2012

CCS held it’s annual Open Day for prospective students and their parents / guardians on Thursday 27th September. Below are some images from the day.

By Michael Murphy | General

Operation Christmas Child 2012

Transition Year Students Fill Boxes for Children in Need around the World Operation Christmas Child is now the largest children’s charity project in the world. Students collect diverse items such as colouring books, toiletries, sweets and toys for less fortunate children and these are then carefully packed into shoe boxes for distribution around the world. […]


Transition Year Trip to Ballyhass

In October the 4th years took a trip to Ballyhass Activity centre near Mallow for a bonding day. The general consensus was that it was a great start to Transition year and that the rest of the year had a lot to live up to if that experience was anything to go by! On leaving […]



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Carrigaline Community School,
Co. Cork.

Adult Education

Tel: 021 4373767
Email: [email protected]
