Health Week in CCS

As part of Carrigaline Community School’s Health Week this year many classes participated in activities to raise awareness about our Health, with a particular emphasis on ‘Mental Health’ this year.

Below is a sample of some of the activities that students participated in.

Mental Health Awareness Talk “Laughter is the best medicine with no side effects.”

Second Year classes Antain, Áine, Ailín, and Artair attended a mental health seminar with a community health nurse on Monday 14th of November. The seminar addressed issues such as mental ill health, communication, and stress management.

What can you do?

  • Get talking.
  • Get active.
  • Get involved.
  • Get chilled.
  • Get wise.
  • Get help.

Health Challenges

During the week Ms. O’Keeffe and Ms. Godsell organised a series of health challenges for Junior cycle classes. With the help of fourth years, classes Blaithnaid and Blaithin from 1st Year, Aifric and Ardal from 2nd Year, and Fachtna and Ferghal from 3rd year were chosen to take part in challenges such as a Health Quiz and a Blind-folded tasting Test.

Mmmm Food Samples

Free samples of Cottage pie, Smoothies and homemade soup were available in the Cafeteria. The yummy free samples were made fresh by 2nd Year Home Economics classes in the kitchen.

Humourfit Drama “Time is precious, make some for yourself.”

A CCS health week regular, Michael O’ Sullivan from Humourfit Drama Productions performed his hilarious, and hard-hitting sketches on bullying and on general mental health in teenagers.

School Positivity

Our very own CCS student council took the tremendous subject of Mental Health into their own hands, and to spread the word on mental health and positivity they had special Health week t-shirts made and customised with positive mental health slogans and quotes. Every member of the student council, members of staff and some kind helpers wore the t-shirts every day during Health week to spread the positive messages.