YSI 2010

Young Social Innovators

This year students were again involved in the Young Social Innovators Project, now part of the school curriculum.  Starting in September, students choose a social issue of interest to them & begin various forms of research within the local community and among their peers.

YSI is a national programme with over 100 projects being displayed at a showcase event in Dublin & almost 5,000 students involved throughout the country. Students are invited to present their topics in regional heats in Cork & subsequently at showcase in Dublin where they are interviewed by a panel of judges on the basis of the work completed.

This year students from CCS researched topics such as sports & drug misuse, the benefits of organic foods and personal safety.

Mar a deireann an seanfhocal “ Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí!”

Mary O’ Doherty.